
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Free Fruity Coaster Patterns

I'm back! It's been over a month since I last posted something in my blog. I've been busy making stuff for Christmas gifts - yes, as early as July! Since I want to give crocheted gifts to a handful of family members and friends. Ambitious, right? But that's why I started early. I remember one of my friends told me she planned on giving placemat-coster sets to her married couple friends for Christmas, but she started a bit late so in the end she crammed and stayed up for several nights to finish everything, and it was not a pleasant experience for her. Thanks to her, I learned from her story, started early so I think I can make it in time. :)

As promised, I am finally making my first pattern collection: fruity coasters! Here are 5 fruit coaster patterns that I've tried. These are really good patterns to begin with when you're practising your newly-acquired crochet skills. I've also managed to master crocheting circles because of these. I also think these coasters are cute and unusual, which makes them great as gifts, too.

Some of these patterns are designed by me, and some I found in other cool and interesting blogs.

1. Whole Lemon Coaster
Lemony! Tangy! A new take on a lemon coaster - not the cross-section, but the whole thing. Get it now. Make it. Have fun with it.

2. Watermelon and Grapefruit Coaster
Refreshing fruits for your refreshing refreshments!

3. Kiwi Coaster
Kiwi is juicy, kiwi is funny, kiwi is yummy! I totally have no idea what I'm saying here.

4. Apple Coaster - For this one, I skipped the last optional round since I have achieved the coaster size I wanted, and I also wanted the apple shape to be more evident.

5. Strawberry Coaster
Straw-very easy to make! Get it? Pun-ny, I know.

I still have a number of fruit coasters I want to make, and I'll post them too as soon as I get them done. Right now, I hope you enjoy making these fun fruity coasters as much as I did. And as always, Enjoy crocheting AF! \m/

This pattern is free and not for sale. Please credit and link back to this site when sharing, using for business, etc. Thanks! :)